What is the time complexity of this particular implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm?
I know several answers to this question say O(E log V) when you use a min heap, and so does this article and this article. However, the article here says O(V+ElogE) and it has similar (but not exactly the same) logic as the code below.
Different implementations of the algorithm can change the time complexity. I'm trying to analyze the complexity of the implementation below, but the optimizations like checking visitedSet
and ignoring repeated vertices in minHeap
is making me doubt myself.
Here is the pseudo code:
// this part is O(V)
for each vertex in graph {
distanceMap[vertex] = infinity
// initialize source vertex
minHeap.add(source vertex and 0 distance)
distanceMap[source] = 0
visitedSet.add(source vertex)
// loop through vertices: O(V)?
while (minHeap is not empty) {
// Removing from heap is O(log n) but is n the V or E?
vertex and distance = minHeap.removeMin
if (distance > saved distance in distanceMap) continue while loop
// looping through edges: O(E) ?
for (each neighbor of vertex) {
if (visitedSet contains neighbor) continue for loop
totalDistance = distance + weight to neighbor
if (totalDistance < saved distance in vertexMap) {
// Adding to heap is O(log n) but is n the V or E?
minHeap.add(neighbor and totalDistance)
distanceMap[neighbor] = totalDistance
What is the actual time complexity of this implementation and why?
Despite the test, this implementation of Dijkstra may put Ω(E) items in the priority queue. This will cost Ω(E log E) with every comparison-based priority queue.
Why not E log V? Well, assuming a connected, simple, nontrivial graph, we have Θ(E log V) = Θ(E log E) since log (V−1) ≤ log E < log V² = 2 log V.
The O(E + V log V)-time implementations of Dijkstra's algorithm depend on a(n amortized) constant-time DecreaseKey operation, avoiding multiple entries for an individual vertex. The implementation in this question will likely be faster in practice on sparse graphs, however.