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Using OLE, remove all sheets except first one from a OpenOffice/LibreOffice Calc document, without using sheet names

From a OpenOffice/LibreOffice Calc document created on code, the idea is to add a sheet as the first one and them remove all others (normally the document comes with 3 sheets).

It is using OLE on Windows from a xHarbour language program, but any language is ok if someone knows to do it on whatever language, translation is not a problem.

I got it working using the Sheet names. I think that this should be better using the indexes directly to remove them, but I was unable to do it with indexes only.

The code I got working is:

oPlan := oSheetDoc:GetSheets()
oPlan:insertNewByName("My New Sheet", 0)
DO WHILE oPlan:GetCount() > 1

I think that should be a "remove by index" that I can't find on the online docs from OpenOffice.

Anybody knows if is there a way to do it only with indexes, or any way just better than I am doing?


  • According to, sheets can only be removed by name.

    oSheets = oDoc.Sheets
    aSheetNames() = oSheets.getElementNames()
    for iSheet = 1 to ubound(aSheetNames)
    next iSheet