I have this GraphQL query:
query QuoteRequests($page: Int!) {
getQuoteRequestsList(page: $page) {
It generates this sample result:
"data": {
"getQuoteRequestsList": [
"vehicle": "1997 TOYOTA AVALON 4 DR ",
"body": "Sedan",
"licensePlate": "RHJ456",
"quality": [
"currency": "USD",
"items": [
"uid": "74355f85-5312-9999-8acd-709ceccda00a",
"name": "Doble cero que es",
"description": "no me interesa",
"quantity": 11
"uid": "66db6fe0-1044-4d58-8454-5e51ab7a313f",
"name": "El arenero",
"description": "el duende verde",
"quantity": 2
The items data is a JSON type, and when trying to fetch that data by using Ferry package with
client.request(GQuoteRequestsReq((b) => b..vars.page = 0)).listen((response) => print(response.data.toString()));
I get a Null result, but if I leave items out of the query, I get a no-null result. I have no problem if I run that query using the HTTP package.
Is this is an error from Package? or do I need to configure something?
This is definitely an error because if I try to make a hot-reload in Flutter I get this error in debug console:
Reloaded 1 of 1700 libraries in 860ms.
E/flutter ( 2286): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.cc(209)] Unhandled Exception: Deserializing '[__typename, Query, getQuoteRequestsList, [{__typename: GetQuoteRequestsRecor...' to 'GQuoteRequestsData' failed due to: Deserializing '[{__typename: GetQuoteRequestsRecord, uid: 0bf6709f-7ab7-464e-8ee3-6a94e46f05...' to 'BuiltList<GQuoteRequestsData_getQuoteRequestsList>' failed due to: Deserializing '[__typename, GetQuoteRequestsRecord, uid, 0bf6709f-7ab7-464e-8ee3-6a94e46f057...' to 'GQuoteRequestsData_getQuoteRequestsList' failed due to: Deserializing '[{uid: 16870250-5acb-4c23-a7e4-f4e23bbd23ad, name: Doble cero que es, descrip...' to 'GJSON' failed due to: type 'List<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'String?' in type cast
E/flutter ( 2286): #0 BuiltJsonSerializers._deserialize
E/flutter ( 2286): #1 BuiltJsonSerializers.deserialize
It's clear it is fetching the expected result but it cannot deserialize properly, then it returns a null result.
Is there any workaround?
I've tried this solution but I'm getting same error.
In my case, I've followed these steps, I've
file,flutter packages pub run build_runner build
The answer can be found in this issue.