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AWS-SES: How to set the display name for the sender address

I am using aws-ses for transactional mailing.
And the email address has this format:

The problem is that when the users receive their emails, they see that the sender's name is "noreply" but I'd like to change it to something custom and more friendly.

Here's how SES is configured:

const { SESClient, SendEmailCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-ses");
const REGION = "us-west-2"; //e.g. "us-east-1"
// Create SES service object.
const sesClient = new SESClient({ region: REGION });

const prepare_params = (destination_address, subject, html_email_content) => {
  // Set the parameters
  const params = {
    Destination: {
      /* required */
      CcAddresses: [
        /* more items */
      ToAddresses: [
        destination_address, //RECEIVER_ADDRESS
        /* more To-email addresses */
    Message: {
      /* required */
      Body: {
        /* required */
        Html: {
          Charset: "UTF-8",
          Data: html_email_content,
        Text: {
          Charset: "UTF-8",
          Data: "TEXT_FORMAT_BODY",
      Subject: {
        Charset: "UTF-8",
        Data: subject,
    Source: "", // SENDER_ADDRESS
    ReplyToAddresses: [
      /* more items */
  return params;
const sendEmail = async (destination_address, subject, html_email_content) => {
  const params = prepare_params(
  const data = await sesClient.send(new SendEmailCommand(params));
  return data;
exports.sendEmail = sendEmail;

Any idea how to solve this?


  • try to change

    Source: "", // SENDER_ADDRESS

    to (edited)

    Source: "Friendly Name <>", // SENDER_ADDRESS

    if this it works let me know!