Search code examples

append an existing string with notepad++

I have multiple text files opened in Notepad++. And each file is like this.


I'm searching for [[0-9]+]\s in regex mode, but I don't know how to replace it to the output I need.

And I want to append a string like this in all opened files, like this.


I'm searching for \[[0-9]+\]\s in regex mode, but I don't know how to replace it to the output I need.

How to do this?


    • Ctrl+H
    • Find what: \[\d+\K(?=])
    • Replace with: .0
    • CHECK Wrap around
    • CHECK Regular expression
    • Replace all


    \[      # openning squarre bracket
    \d+     # 1 or more digits
    \K      # forget all we have seen until this position
    (?=])   # positive lookahead, make sure we have a closing squarre bracket after

    Screenshot (before):

    enter image description here

    Screenshot (after):

    enter image description here