Use this Option B in link to include Flutter model. The project starts, but as soon as it comes to initializing the FlutterEngine, this error is thrown.
2021-12-10 13:54:09.300 12446-12446/ E/flutter: [ERROR:flutter/runtime/] VM snapshot invalid and could not be inferred from settings.
2021-12-10 13:54:09.300 12446-12446/ E/flutter: [ERROR:flutter/runtime/] Could not set up VM data to bootstrap the VM from.
2021-12-10 13:54:09.300 12446-12446/ E/flutter: [ERROR:flutter/runtime/] Could not create Dart VM instance.
2021-12-10 13:54:09.300 12446-12446/ A/flutter: [FATAL:flutter/shell/common/] Check failed: vm. Must be able to initialize the VM.
2021-12-10 13:54:09.489 12603-12603/? A/DEBUG: Abort message: '[FATAL:flutter/shell/common/] Check failed: vm. Must be able to initialize the VM.
2021-12-10 13:54:09.490 12603-12603/? A/DEBUG: #01 pc 00000000002cdfd4 /data/app/ (offset 0x2c6000)
The actions are the following and the solution:
created Flutter module.
used connection to android via Option B.
since the project had no name: app,
i wrote in -> flutter.hostAppProjectName = myAppName
my settings.gradle looked like this = "mobileAndroid" include ': app' setBinding (new Binding ([gradle: this])) evaluate (new File ( settingsDir.parentFile, './SuperApp_Frontend_Silpo/.android/include_flutter.groovy' ))
But the problem was that the project had its own buildTypes, so it was necessary to write
staging {
matchingFallbacks = ['debug', 'release']
in Flutter module build.gradle