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Convert numpy array to pandas dataframe with labels from list

please advise how to perform the following permutations:

array = [1, 3, 2]  # numpy.ndarray

l1 = ['foo_qwe1_ert1', 'bar_qwe2_ert2', 'baz_qwe3_ert3']  # list

I need to get the following pandas dataframe:

Column1 Column2 Column3
foo qwe1 ert1
baz qwe3 ert3
bar qwe2 ert2

the problem is the list contains text labels from 0 to 30 (format: XXX_YYY_ZZZ) and numpy.array has shape (3536,) and contains numbers from 0 to 30. I need to assign label for each number in array and save it as pandas dataframe


  • First use DataFrame constructor with split:

    df = pd.DataFrame([x.split('_') for x in l1], columns=['Column1', 'Column2', 'Column3'])
    print (df)
      Column1 Column2 Column3
    0     foo    qwe1    ert1
    1     bar    qwe2    ert2
    2     baz    qwe3    ert3

    And then change order by array by extract last integer from last column:

    df.index = df['Column3'].str.extract('(\d+)$', expand=False).astype(int)
    df = df.loc[array].reset_index(drop=True)
    print (df)
      Column1 Column2 Column3
    0     foo    qwe1    ert1
    1     baz    qwe3    ert3
    2     bar    qwe2    ert2


    array = np.array([1, 3, 2])
    l1 = ['foo_qwe1_ert1', 'bar_qwe2_ert2', 'baz_qwe3_ert3'] 
    L = [x.split('_') for x in l1]
    a, b, c = L[0]
    b = b.replace('1','')
    c = c.replace('1','')
    print (b, c)
    qwe ert
    out = [(y[0], f'{b}{x}', f'{c}{x}') for x, y in zip(array, L)]
    print (out)
    [('foo', 'qwe1', 'ert1'), ('bar', 'qwe3', 'ert3'), ('baz', 'qwe2', 'ert2')]


    out = [(y[0], f'qwe{x}', f'ert{x}') for x, y in zip(array, L)]
    print (out)
    [('foo', 'qwe1', 'ert1'), ('bar', 'qwe3', 'ert3'), ('baz', 'qwe2', 'ert2')]

    df = pd.DataFrame(out, columns=['Column1', 'Column2', 'Column3'])
    print (df)
      Column1 Column2 Column3
    0     foo    qwe1    ert1
    1     bar    qwe3    ert3
    2     baz    qwe2    ert2