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Alpha blending for frame averaging in Core Image

In my app, I'm trying to realize a motion blur features that stack different frames (averaging them) coming from the video output into a single image. The effect I'm trying to obtain is well-explained here:

I tried using a custom CIKernel that performs the averaging operation on each color channel as follow:

float4 makeAverage(sample_t currentStack, sample_t newImage, float stackCount) {
          float4 cstack = unpremultiply(currentStack);
          float4 nim = unpremultiply(newImage);
          float4 avg = ((cstack * stackCount) + nim) / (stackCount + 1.0);
          return premultiply(avg);

You can find more details on the complete code here: Problems with frame averaging with Core Image

It works but, after a while, weird patches start to appear in the image, hinting that the color channels are clipping.

Is there a way I could achieve the same results using alpha blending in core image? Maybe, instead of doing the stacking operation on the color channels, could I stack subsequent images with a decreasing alpha value?

If so, what would be the procedure/algorithm to do it?


  • You can accomplish the same as what you are doing via combination of CIColorMatrix and CISourceOverCompositing in a simpler way just by using CIMix filter like this

        func makeCompositeImage(stackImage: CIImage, newImage: CIImage?, count: Double) -> CIImage {
            let opacity = 1.0 / count
            return newImage?
                .applyingFilter("CIMix", parameters: [
                    kCIInputBackgroundImageKey: stackImage,
                    kCIInputAmountKey: opacity
                ]) ?? stackImage

    Please check out this app I just published: It lets you play with every single filter out there.