I have a pattern that has a starting and ending pattern like:
start = '\n\\[\n'
end = '\n\\]\n'
My string is:
'The above mentioned formal formula is\nthat of\n\\[\n\\oplus \\bigoplus_{(5)} \\widehat{C_{(5)}} A_{5} G(2)\n\\]\nA. Tobacco\nB. Tulip\nc. soybean\nD. Sunhemp'
I want to find:
\n\\oplus \\bigoplus_{(5)} \\widehat{C_{(5)}} A_{5} G(2)'
If I use:
re.findall(r'\s*\\+\n\\[\n(.*?)\\+\n\\]\n', mystring)
r'\s*\\+\[(.*?)\\+\]' # did not work either
then it gives me an empty result. What am I doing wrong here?
This works for me:
mystring = 'The above mentioned formal formula is\nthat of\n\\[\n\\oplus \\bigoplus_{(5)} \\widehat{C_{(5)}} A_{5} G(2)\n\\]\nA. Tobacco\nB. Tulip\nc. soybean\nD. Sunhemp'
expected_result = '\n\\oplus \\bigoplus_{(5)} \\widehat{C_{(5)}} A_{5} G(2)'
import codecs
import re
matches = re.findall(r'\\n\\\\\[(\\n.*)\\n\\\\\]\\n', repr(mystring))
results = [codecs.decode(match, 'unicode_escape') for match in matches]
['\n\\oplus \\bigoplus_{(5)} \\widehat{C_{(5)}} A_{5} G(2)']
results[0] == expected_result