How to get or create vertex/edge in Apache TinkerPop Gremlin in one query?
Currently I am doing,
id = None
if g.V().has('employee', 'name', 'thirumal').hasNext():
id = g.V().has('employee', 'name', 'thirumal').values('id')
id = uuid4()
g.addV('employee').property(, id).property('name', 'Thirumal').iterate()
logging.debug("Id is {}".format(id))
The currently recommended way to do this in Gremlin is to use the fold/coalesce/unfold
pattern. In the case of your example it becomes something like:
g.V().has('employee', 'name', 'thirumal').fold().
addV('employee').property(, id).property('name', 'Thirumal')).
Within the Apache TinkerPop community we are looking at adding additional ways to do this kind of upsert more declaratively, but for now, this is the recommended pattern to use.