I have this component that displays generic messages:
The messages are identified by an id
and come from string tables in resources files (multiple languages). An example of a message would be:
"Hello {user}! Welcome to {site}!"
So in the basic case, I simply parse the string and replace {user}
with, say, "John Doe" and {site}
with "MySiteName". The result is set to message
and is then properly (and safely) rendered.
But what I would like to do is actually replace {site} with a component that I created that displays the site name with special font and styling. I also have other cases where I want to replace special {markings}
with components.
How would you approach this problem ? Is there a way to "insert" a component into a string and then insert the string "safely" to be rendered ? I say "safely" because portions of the final string may come from the DB and be inherently unsafe (like user's name) so inserting the string with something like @((MarkupString)message)
does not seem safe.
EDIT: Thanks to MrC aka Shaun Curtis from whom this final solution is greatly inspired. I marked his answer as the best one.
So I finally went with a scoped service that gets the strings from the resources files, parse them and return a list of RenderFragments that it gets from a component's static table. I use dynamic objects to send specific parameters to the RenderFragments when required.
I basically now get all the text of my app through this centralized mechanism.
Here is an example of an entry in a resource file string table:
Name: "welcome"; Value: "Welcome to {site:name} {0}!"
Here is how it is used in a component:
<h3><Localizer Key="notif:welcome" Data="@(new List<string>() { NotifModel.UserNames.First })"/></h3>
You can see the simplified component and service code below. I explicitely left out the validation and error checking code for simplicity.
@using MySite.Client.Services.Localizer
@inject ILocalizerService Loc
@foreach (var fragment in _fragments)
private List<ILocalizerService.Fragment> _fragments;
public enum RendererTypes
public static Dictionary<RendererTypes, RenderFragment<dynamic>> Renderers = new Dictionary<RendererTypes, RenderFragment<dynamic>>()
// NOTE: For each of the following items, do NOT insert a space between the end of the markup and the closing curly brace otherwise it will be rendered !!!
// Like here ↓↓
{ RendererTypes.Default, (model) => @<span>@(model as string)</span>},
{ RendererTypes.SiteName, (model) => @<MySiteNameComponent />},
{ RendererTypes.SiteLink, (model) => @<a href="@model.LinkUrl">@model.LinkTxt</a>}
public string Key { get; set; }
public List<string> Data { get; set; }
protected override void OnParametersSet()
_fragments = Loc.GetFragments(Key, Data);
interface ILocalizerService
public struct Fragment
public Fragment(RenderFragment<dynamic> renderer)
: this(renderer, default)
public Fragment(RenderFragment<dynamic> renderer, dynamic item)
Renderer = renderer;
Item = item;
public RenderFragment<dynamic> Renderer { get; set; }
public dynamic Item { get; set; }
List<Fragment> GetFragments(string key, List<string> parameters);
internal sealed class LocalizerService : ILocalizerService
private readonly Dictionary<string, IStringLocalizer> _strLoc = new Dictionary<string, IStringLocalizer>();
public LocalizerService(IStringLocalizer<MySite.Shared.Resources.App> appLoc,
IStringLocalizer<MySite.Shared.Resources.Connection> connLoc,
IStringLocalizer<MySite.Shared.Resources.Notifications> notifLoc)
// Keep string localizers
_strLoc.Add("app", appLoc);
_strLoc.Add("conn", connLoc);
_strLoc.Add("notif", notifLoc);
public List<Fragment> GetFragments(string key, List<string> parameters)
var list = new List<Fragment>();
GetFragments(list, key, parameters);
return list;
private void GetFragments(List<Fragment> list, string key, List<string> parameters)
// First, get key tokens
var tokens = key.Split(':');
// Analyze first token
switch (tokens[0])
case "site":
// Format : {site:...}
ProcessSite(list, tokens, parameters);
// Format : {0|1|2|...}
if (uint.TryParse(tokens[0], out var paramIndex))
ProcessParam(list, paramIndex, parameters);
// Format : {app|conn|notif|...}
else if (_strLoc.ContainsKey(tokens[0]))
ProcessStringLocalizer(list, tokens, parameters);
private void ProcessSite(List<Fragment> list, string[] tokens, List<string> parameters)
// Analyze second token
switch (tokens[1])
case "name":
// Format {site:name}
// Add name component
list.Add(new Fragment(Shared.Localizer.Renderers[Shared.Localizer.RendererTypes.SiteName]));
case "link":
// Format {site:link:...}
ProcessLink(list, tokens, parameters);
private void ProcessLink(List<Fragment> list, string[] tokens, List<string> parameters)
// Analyze third token
switch (tokens[2])
case "user":
// Format: {site:link:user:...}
ProcessLinkUser(list, tokens, parameters);
private void ProcessLinkUser(List<Fragment> list, string[] tokens, List<string> parameters)
// Check length
var length = tokens.Length;
if (length >= 4)
string linkUrl;
string linkTxt;
// URL
// Format: {site:link:user:0|1|2|...}
// Retrieve handle from param
if (!uint.TryParse(tokens[3], out var paramIndex))
throw new ApplicationException("Invalid token!");
var userHandle = GetParam(paramIndex, parameters);
linkUrl = $"/user/{userHandle}";
// Text
if (length >= 5)
if (tokens[4].Equals("t"))
// Format: {site:link:user:0|1|2|...:t}
// Use token directly as text
linkTxt = tokens[4];
else if (uint.TryParse(tokens[4], out paramIndex))
// Format: {site:link:user:0|1|2|...:0|1|2|...}
// Use specified param as text
linkTxt = GetParam(paramIndex, parameters);
// Format: {site:link:user:0|1|2|...}
// Use handle as text
linkTxt = userHandle;
// Add link component
list.Add(new Fragment(Shared.Localizer.Renderers[Shared.Localizer.RendererTypes.SiteLink], new { LinkUrl = linkUrl, LinkTxt = linkTxt }));
private void ProcessParam(List<Fragment> list, uint paramIndex, List<string> parameters)
// Add text component
list.Add(new Fragment(Shared.Localizer.Renderers[Shared.Localizer.RendererTypes.Default], GetParam(paramIndex, parameters)));
private string GetParam(uint paramIndex, List<string> parameters)
// Proceed
if (paramIndex < parameters.Length)
return parameters[paramIndex];
private void ProcessStringLocalizer(List<Fragment> list, string[] tokens, List<string> parameters)
// Format {loc:str}
// Retrieve string localizer
var strLoc = _strLoc[tokens[0]];
// Retrieve string
var str = strLoc[tokens[1]].Value;
// Split the string in parts to see if it needs formatting
// NOTE: str is in the form "...xxx {key0} yyy {key1} zzz...".
// This means that once split, the keys are always at odd indexes (even if {key} starts or ends the string)
var strParts = str.Split('{', '}');
for (int i = 0; i < strParts.Length; i += 2)
// Get parts
var evenPart = strParts[i];
var oddPart = ((i + 1) < strParts.Length) ? strParts[i + 1] : null;
// Even parts are always regular text. If not null or empty, we add directly
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(evenPart))
list.Add(new Fragment(Shared.Localizer.Renderers[Shared.Localizer.RendererTypes.Default], evenPart));
// Odd parts are always keys. If not null or empty, get fragments recursively
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oddPart))
GetFragments(list, oddPart, parameters);
You don't necessarily need to build components. A component is a c# class that emits a RenderFragment
You could simply build RenderFragments
for {site},... Here's a simple static class that shows two ways to do this:
namespace StackOverflowAnswers;
public static class RenderFragements
public static RenderFragment SiteName => (builder) =>
// Get the content from a service that's accessing a database and checking the culture info for language
builder.OpenElement(0, "div");
builder.AddAttribute(1, "class", "p-2 bg-primary text-white");
builder.AddContent(2, "My Site");
public static RenderFragment GetSiteName(string sitename) => (builder) =>
// parse to make sure you're happy with the string
builder.OpenElement(0, "span");
builder.AddAttribute(1, "class", "p-2 bg-dark text-white");
builder.AddContent(2, sitename);
And here's an index page using them:
@page "/"
@using StackOverflowAnswers
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>
Welcome to your new app.
<SurveyPrompt Title="How is Blazor working for you?" />
<div class=m-2>
The site name for this site is @(RenderFragements.GetSiteName("this site"))
With the RenderFragment
your writing c# code. You can run a parser to check the string before rendering it.
You could have a scoped service that gets the info from the database for the user and exposes a set of RenderFragments
you then use in your pages/components.