I am trying to download artifacts from a successful job. The download for a regular job works but the download of of a job matrix is not working.
Any idea how I have to structure the URL for that.
lambda_build: [tools]
lambda_build: [helper]
lambda-master works with ..../-/jobs/artifacts/master/download?job=lambda-master
I don't find answer in the gitlab documentation.
Executing a matrix job generates a name unique to that pipeline from each variable used, so I think you can't just use the name you gave the job alone.
For example, when declaring this matrix job:
script: echo $FOO
- FOO: [bar, baz]
Gitlab will generate two jobs:
myJob: [bar]
myJob: [baz]
So you might have to put "build: [$lambda_build]" or something into the query parameter.