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Max Data Disks attached to a worker node in Azure

I use AKS to deploy the application services. I have used the VM size of Standard_D4a_v4 with 4vCPU and 16Gi Memory configuration for the worker nodes.

Max data disks specified for the above mentioned configuration is 8. I need to clarify that, if only 8 pvcs of azure disks provisioner can be mounted to the worker node or is that possible to mount more pvcs (>8) with azure file provisioner?


  • • Since you are using a VM size of Standard_D4a_v4 with the said configuration of 4 vCPUs and 16GB of memory, the maximum number of data disks that can be created for this size are ‘8’ as for each VM vCPU, two data disks can be attached up to an absolute maximum of 64 disks per virtual machine. Also, I tested the above said in my environment also as below: - Maximum Data Disks

    Also, after attaching the maximum number of data disks as above, I also tried to connect an Azure file share as a volume in a VM as below and I was able to successfully mount it and access it. Thus, though you cannot add more data disks to a VM according to the said limitations, but you can surely connect file shares successfully and access them as network volumes through azure file provisioner. Azure file share mounted

    Please find the below links for more information: -