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ValueError: attempt to get argmax of an empty sequence when trying to pull index of max value in columns

Try to get the index of the max value in column Hi column so I can get the value in the Time column

NumPy/pandas is up to date

The output of the panda's data frame:

        Date      Time     Hi       Lo      Open   Close    Volume
241 2021-12-10   9:28  175.190  175.100  175.120  175.15    10780
242 2021-12-10   9:29  175.270  175.150  175.150  175.23    12863
243 2021-12-10   9:30  176.030  175.140  175.250  175.71  1370478
244 2021-12-10   9:31  175.900  175.460  175.710  175.90   435577
245 2021-12-10   9:32  176.100  175.680  175.880  175.73   485381
246 2021-12-10   9:33  175.870  175.370  175.740  175.62   450575
247 2021-12-10   9:34  176.100  175.520  175.609  176.05   485467
248 2021-12-10   9:35  176.110  175.540  176.060  175.64   484336
249 2021-12-10   9:36  176.150  175.510  175.650  176.01   462430
250 2021-12-10   9:37  176.320  175.870  175.992  176.17   502685
251 2021-12-10   9:38  176.530  176.140  176.165  176.47   668669
252 2021-12-10   9:39  176.556  176.345  176.480  176.37   577773
253 2021-12-10   9:40  176.420  176.005  176.350  176.01   388618
254 2021-12-10   9:41  176.050  175.660  176.010  176.01   511461
255 2021-12-10   9:42  176.030  175.810  176.011  175.89   277475
256 2021-12-10   9:43  176.215  175.880  175.908  176.19   315341
257 2021-12-10   9:44  176.450  176.010  176.180  176.03   426582
258 2021-12-10   9:45  176.360  175.880  176.020  175.94   513756
259 2021-12-10   9:46  176.030  175.760  175.940  175.80   367906
260 2021-12-10   9:47  175.775  175.450  175.775  175.56   481068
261 2021-12-10   9:48  175.760  175.450  175.550  175.74   369607
262 2021-12-10   9:49  175.890  175.560  175.730  175.66   290529
263 2021-12-10   9:50  175.860  175.550  175.660  175.83   310516
264 2021-12-10   9:51  176.120  175.810  175.840  176.01   428011
265 2021-12-10   9:52  176.060  175.721  176.015  175.83   275272
266 2021-12-10   9:53  176.010  175.745  175.830  175.78   291982
267 2021-12-10   9:54  175.895  175.670  175.790  175.70   188332
268 2021-12-10   9:55  175.705  175.240  175.685  175.38   448620
269 2021-12-10   9:56  175.380  175.050  175.380  175.16   430128
270 2021-12-10   9:57  175.400  174.925  175.150  174.93   453117
271 2021-12-10   9:58  175.001  174.690  174.920  174.78   422128
272 2021-12-10   9:59  175.210  174.750  174.775  175.18   380997
273 2021-12-10  10:00  175.510  175.090  175.180  175.45   361698
274 2021-12-10  10:01  175.630  175.360  175.455  175.42   260332

Code I'm working with currently below:

import csv
import pandas as pd
import os
import numpy

Symbol = "AAPL"

with open(Symbol +'.csv', 'r') as csv_file:
    csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file)

    df = pd.DataFrame(csv_reader, columns=['Date','Hi', 'Lo','Open','Close','Volume'])

    #df.set_index('Volume', inplace=True)

    new_df_no_expand = df['Date'].str.split(' ') #splitting the date form the time and adding the time to a new column
    New_df = df['Date'].str.split(' ', expand=True).rename(columns={0:'Date',1:'Time'}) #splitting the date form the time and adding the time to a new column needs tweaking

    df[['Date', 'Time']] = df['Date'].str.split(' ', n=1, expand=True)
    df = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=['Date', 'Time', 'Hi', 'Lo','Open','Close','Volume'])

    df['Open'] = pd.to_numeric(df['Open'])
    df['Hi'] = pd.to_numeric(df['Hi'])
    df['Lo'] = pd.to_numeric(df['Lo'])
    df['Close'] = pd.to_numeric(df['Close'])
    df['Volume'] = pd.to_numeric(df['Volume'])

    df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'],infer_datetime_format=True)

    hodtime = df.loc[df[(df['Time'] >= "9:30") & (df['Time'] <= "10:00")]['Hi'].idxmax()]


When I run this it gives me this output:

ValueError: attempt to get argmax of an empty sequence

My desired output: (Max value in hi column is at index 252)

High of Day Time is 9:39


  • You're a using split to create columns Date and Time, then, you convert the Date column using to_datetime, but Time column is still of object type. You need to convert the Time column to timedelta to be able to execute the comparison.

    df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'],infer_datetime_format=True)
    df['Time'] = pd.to_timedelta(df.Time+":00")
    lower_time = pd.to_timedelta("9:30:00")
    higher_time = pd.to_timedelta("10:00:00")
    hodtime = df.loc[df[(df['Time'] >= lower_time) & (df['Time'] <= higher_time)]['Hi'].idxmax()]
    Date           2021-12-10
    Time      0 days 09:39:00
    Hi                176.556
    Lo                176.345
    Open               176.48
    Close              176.37
    Volume             577773
    Name: 252, dtype: object