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How does RewriteBase work in .htaccess

I have seen this in a few .htaccess examples

RewriteBase /

It appears to be somewhat similar in functionality to the <base href=""> of HTML.

I believe it may automatically prepend its value to the beginning of RewriteRule statements (possibly ones without a leading slash)?

I could not get it to work properly. I think it's use could come in very handy for site portability, as I often have a development server which is different to a production one. My current method leaves me deleting portions out of my RewriteRule statements.

Can anyone explain to me briefly how to implement it?



  • In my own words, after reading the docs and experimenting:

    You can use RewriteBase to provide a base for your rewrites. Consider this

    # invoke rewrite engine
        RewriteEngine On
        RewriteBase /~new/
    # add trailing slash if missing
        rewriteRule ^(([a-z0-9\-]+/)*[a-z0-9\-]+)$ $1/ [NC,R=301,L]

    This is a real rule I used to ensure that URLs have a trailing slash. This will convert


    By having the RewriteBase there, you make the relative path come off the RewriteBase parameter.