currently I've been trying to have my tuple variables: tempLentry,windLentry,dewpointLentry, be converted into an integer so I can use them in the math sequence. However I keep getting this error whenever it happens: TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a real number, not 'Entry'. I was hoping someone could point in the right direction, Thank you!
The code is below
def calc ():
#Tuple being recieved from askUser
tempLentry,windLentry,dewpointLentry = askUser()
#Converts string input from entries to integers for the calculations to work.
t = int(tempLentry)
ws = int(windLentry)
dp = int(dewpointLentry)
#Checks to see if inputed data for temperature and windspeed is less than 50mph and
greater than 3 mph
if (t < 50 and ws > 3):
windchill = (35.74 + 0.6215 * t - (35.75 * math.pow(ws,0.16)) + (0.4275 * t * math.pow(ws,0.16)))
windchill = 0
You need to first convert the Entry to a string, and then cast it to an int.
You can get the Entry as a string by using .get()
t = int(tempLentry.get())
ws = int(windLentry.get())
dp = int(dewpointLentry.get())