I am trying to observe a progressBar and everything seems ok to me but its not working.. when it gets to the viewmodel its getting null value..
This is the repository:
val isLoadingProgressBarMutableLiveData = MutableLiveData<Boolean>()
fun getEmployeeListFromAPI(): MutableLiveData<List<Employee>> {
isLoadingProgressBarMutableLiveData.value = true
val apiRequest: APICallRequest = APIRequest.retrofitCallGetList
apiRequest.callEmployeeList().enqueue(object : Callback<EmployeesListResult?> {
override fun onResponse(
call: Call<EmployeesListResult?>,
response: Response<EmployeesListResult?>
) {
Log.e("onResponse1", "${isLoadingProgressBarMutableLiveData.value}")
if (response.isSuccessful) {
isLoadingProgressBarMutableLiveData.value = false
mutableListLiveData.value = response.body()?.getEmployeesListResult
Log.e("onResponse2", "${isLoadingProgressBarMutableLiveData.value}")
Log.e("onResponse", "Success!")
Log.e("Response:", "${response.body()}")
override fun onFailure(call: Call<EmployeesListResult?>, t: Throwable) {
Log.e("onFailure", "Failed getting list: ${t.message}")
isLoadingProgressBarMutableLiveData.value = false
return mutableListLiveData
fun getLoadingState() : MutableLiveData<Boolean>{
return isLoadingProgressBarMutableLiveData
"onResponse1" = true "onResponse2" = false
but when I move it to the ViewModel I get null ...
This is the ViewModel:
class MainViewModel : ViewModel() {
fun getEmployeeListFromRepo() : LiveData<List<Employee>>{
return MainRepository().getEmployeeListFromAPI()
fun showProgressBar(): LiveData<Boolean> {
Log.e("Progress","ddd ${MainRepository().getLoadingState().value}")
return MainRepository().getLoadingState()
"ProgressBar" = is null
And in the activity:
mainViewModel.showProgressBar().observe(this, object : Observer<Boolean?> {
override fun onChanged(isLoading: Boolean?) {
Log.e("isLoadingProgressBar:", "Loading is...: $isLoading")
if (isLoading == true){
progressBar.visibility = View.VISIBLE
progressBar.visibility = View.GONE
Buddy - every time you do MainRepository()
you're creating a new repository and accessing that. You should have one repository you're working with.
class MainViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val repository = MainRespository() // ONE repo
fun getEmployeeListFromRepo() : LiveData<List<Employee>>{
return repository.getEmployeeListFromAPI() // Get the live data to the ONE repo instead of creating a new one
fun showProgressBar(): LiveData<Boolean> {
// Print and return the value from the ONE respository instead of creating
// TWO new ones in this method
Log.e("Progress","ddd ${respository.getLoadingState().value}")
return respository.getLoadingState()