When browsing the internet using the Wi-Fi hotspot of my Android phone (Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro), some requests fail with the following error: net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR
Here is a screenshot of the error I'm getting in Chrome for Mac OS:
I noticed that it is happening only on specific websites (I have no issues on Stack Overflow for example).
This seems to be happening regardless of the LTE network quality.
I tried using the Wi-Fi hotspot from another phone, and everything is working as intended.
Anybody have an idea on how to debug this issue? Thank you
I fixed the issue, turns out the default APN was not correctly configured.
I re-configured my APN with the config given by my phone provider (for Orange in France, the config is here: https://assistance.orange.fr/mobile-tablette/tous-les-mobiles-et-tablettes/installer-et-utiliser/se-connecter-et-parametrer-un-reseau/se-connecter-a-un-reseau-mobile-3-4g/comment-ajouter-un-point-d-acces-internet-apn-sur-votre-mobile-xiaomi-sous-android-_321636-856633)