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Quick sorting array of arrays of chars in C

I have been trying to implement a quick sort of array of arrays of chars in C but it's giving me a segmentation fault error that I am not able to debug. This is the code:

int partition(char **a, int left, int right)
    int i, j;
    char pivot[16];
    strcpy(pivot, a[left]);
    i = left;
    j = right + 1;

    while (1)
        while (i <= right && strcmp(a[i], pivot) < 0);
        while (strcmp(a[j], pivot) > 0);
        if (i >= j)
        char t[16];
        strcpy(t, a[i]);
        strcpy(a[i], a[j]);
        strcpy(a[j], t);
    char t[16];
    strcpy(t, a[left]);
    strcpy(a[left], a[j]);
    strcpy(a[j], t);
    return j;

void quickSortChar(char **a, int left, int right)
    int j;
    if (left < right)
        j = partition(a, left, right);
        quickSortChar(a, left, j - 1);
        quickSortChar(a, j + 1, right);

int main()
    char **arr = (char **)calloc(10, sizeof(char *));
    arr[0] = (char *)malloc(16);
    arr[1] = (char *)malloc(16);
    arr[2] = (char *)malloc(16);
    arr[0] = "patata";
    arr[1] = "berenjena";
    arr[2] = "alioli";

    quickSortChar(arr, 0, 2);

Update 1

Using strcpy does not work either:

int partition(char **a, int left, int right)
    int i, j;
    char pivot[16];
    strcpy(pivot, a[left]);
    i = left;
    j = right + 1;

    while (1)
        while (strcmp(a[i], pivot) < 0 && i <= right);
        while (strcmp(a[j], pivot) > 0);
        if (i >= j)
        char t[16];
        strcpy(t, a[i]);
        strcpy(a[i], a[j]);
        strcpy(a[j], t);
    char t[16];
    strcpy(t, a[left]);
    strcpy(a[left], a[j]);
    strcpy(a[j], t);
    return j;

Update 2

I have solved the warning by moving up the declaration.

Update 3

Fix while (i <= right && strcmp(a[i], pivot) < 0);


  • Notice that you check i didn't passed the length of a only after strcmp(a[i], pivot) < 0 hence you reach i=3 and then get dumped.

    Change to

    while (i <= right && strcmp(a[i], pivot) < 0);

    I'd also suggest using calloc instead of malloc in order to initialize the arr