Let's say that I have sql table like this:
id | val_1 | val_2
1 | 55 | 300
2 | 90 | 600
3 | 80 | 200
Now, I wan't to subtract 300-90, and next 600-80 and so on with offset of one row. Table can be odd count like this. Is there a chance to do this without loop and external functions? I use Python api for sqlite3.
Thanks in advance!
Depending on the output that you want you can use LEAD()
window function:
val_2 - LEAD(val_1, 1, 0) OVER (ORDER BY id) AS difference
FROM tablename;
or LAG()
window function:
LAG(val_2, 1, 0) OVER (ORDER BY id) - val_1 AS difference
FROM tablename;
See the demo.