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Response true but data is not fetching all Retrofit

i have a problem fetching data using retrofit, i usually using jsonschema2pojo for create object. first i have no problem at all. but after tracing what cause data null is the response.body() not fetching full data, but some of them are called. after searching through the internet, i have answer that the object class is not matching with the response but i dont know what is mean matching at all.

this is my object class

public class KunjunganOutlet {

    private Boolean status;
    private String message;
    private Object info;
    private List<Data> data = null;

// and some getter setter

And Data class

public class Data {

        private String id;
        private String nama;
        private String jenis;
        private String alamat;
        private String tlp;

// and some getter setter

and here's my data from API

    "status": true,
    "message": "Successfully",
    "info": null,
    "data": [
            "id": "47760",
            "nama": "BKKBN Provinsi Aceh",
            "jenis": "KLDI",
            "alamat": "jl.t.nyak arief no 101 banda aceh\r\n",
            "tlp": ""
            "id": "47784",
            "nama": "Dinkes Aceh Selatan",
            "jenis": "Dinas Kesehatan",
            "alamat": "Jl. Teungku Raja Angkasah Tapaktuan Telp. 0656-21829\r\n",
            "tlp": ""

and the result only id that get from data

onResponse: {"data":[{"id":"5287"},{"id":"5185"}],"message":"Successfully","status":true}

UPDATE just wrong call after several attempt


  • Wrong call from the first, after several hours logging, check API and codes. I just realise after checking log from okhttp, request path is /product instead /outlet.