I'm trying to run automated tests on an iOS real device, however, every time I start the Appium inspector session the client displays the app's loading page and never refreshes to update the inspector and display the home page.
When I manually press the refresh button on Appium the spinner gets displayed and takes a very long time to refresh the inspector. This happens on every interaction with the app.
Capabilities Used
{ "platformName": "iOS", "platformVersion": "15.1.1", "deviceName": "iPhone 12", "automationName": "XCUITest", "autoAcceptAlerts": "true", "bundleId": "com.xxxxx.xxxxx", "xcodeOrgId": "xxxxxxxxxx", "xcodeSigningId": "iPhone Developer", "updatedWDABundleId": "com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner", "app": "/{path-to-ipaFile}/appFile.ipa", "udid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }
Please note that the WebDriverAgent app is trusted (General -> VPN & Device Management).
You can find the logs here.
Appium Server Logs
You can find the logs here.
Failed Attempts for a Solution
Unfortunately, none of the attempts worked.
NOTE: The same problem is occurring on simulator.
Turned out the getSession() function in Appium was taking too long to get a response due to a large table list, when I removed the items from the list Appium was fast again and getSession() was not taking a long time to get a response.