Search code examples

Retrieve the whole yaml object

Given this yaml:

{CR: {cmd: fade, color: blue, panel: 0, value: 30, fout: 0.5, fint: 5},OL: {cmd: text, value: Blu at 30% on all, color: white, time: 5, position: [540,100], size: 50}}

With this code:

bool SEMTools::decodeYaml(QString yaml)
        YAML::Node root = YAML::Load(yaml.toStdString().c_str());
        YAML::Node::iterator i;
        for (i = root.begin(); i != root.end(); i++)
            qDebug() << (*i)<QString>();
        return true;
    catch (YAML::TypedBadConversion<QString> const &e)
        qDebug() << e.what();

    return false;

I'm able to retrieve the lead keys: CR and OL. For each one I also need to retrieve the whole object:

CR: {cmd: fade, color: blue, panel: 0, value: 30, fout: 0.5, fint: 5}


OL: {cmd: text, value: Blu at 30% on all, color: white, time: 5, position: [540,100], size: 50}

I tried with:

qDebug() << (*i).as<QString>();

but my application crashes with this error:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'YAML::InvalidNode'
  what():  invalid node; this may result from using a map iterator as a sequence iterator, or vice-versa

What is the right syntax to get the strings above?


  • (*i).first is the key, (*i).second is its value.

    Therefore, (*i) is the whole object as you call it (key + value). It's simply not a string, which is why you can't retrieve it via .as<QString>(). Each the key and the value are a YAML::Node just like root, and you can do .as<QString>() only on the key because it's a string. On the value, you can do (*i).second["cmd"].as<QString>() etc.

    If you want the value to be a string instead of a nested YAML structure, you shouldn't input it as nested YAML structure.