Let's say I have the following arrays of strings:
Background = {"Ocean"}
Body = {"Normal"}
Eyes = {"Big", "Small", "Monolid"}
Color = {"Yellow", "White", "Red Rose", "Turquoise", "Dark green", "Orange"}
Hands = {"None", "Robot", "Spider", "Bear"}
Extra = {"Empty", "Sand", "Dust", "Graffiti", "Aloe"}
I want to print a list that contains all possible permutations of each element mentioned in the arrays above, following the order in which these arrays were set (i.e. it starts checking on Background
, then goes to check Body
, then Eyes
, then Color
, then Hands
, and finishes on Extra
The first permutation should be:
1. Ocean, Normal, Big, Yellow, None, Empty
The second permutation should be:
2. Ocean, Normal, Big, Yellow, None, Sand
And so on...
It can be assumed that the item None
is the same as Empty
How could I do that?
The following solution should work Assume arrays are as follows
Backgrounds = ["Ocean"]
Bodys = ["Normal"]
Eyes = ["Big", "Small", "Monolid"]
Colors = ["Yellow", "White", "Red Rose", "Turquoise", "Dark green", "Orange"]
Hands = ["None", "Robot", "Spider", "Bear"]
Extra = ["Empty", "Sand", "Dust", "Graffiti", "Aloe"]
for background in Backgrounds:
for body in Bodys:
for eye in Eyes:
for colour in colours:
for hand in Hands:
for extra in extras:
If your lists are really large please don't use the above solution because its time complexity is o(n^6).