I wanted to know if there is a site that references "conventional" folder/file names. For example, one that explains what a "Models" folder should contain, what a "Helpers" folder should contain, etc.
I'm starting to develop projects with a lot of content, so it's important for me to start now to get the right habits to organize my work.
Thanks in advance for your help.
EDIT: To be more precise I would like to know the role of each folder/file according to their names because I see a lot of projects with Models, Helpers, etc folders and I don't really understand the difference between them.
My question is about console applications in .Net 6
A Models folder would probably contain classes like Person, Customer, Employee etc, most of the times models that are have their own data tables. A Helpers folder classes that maybe don't have a lot of logic, if that's the right word, for example an EnumeHelper class that return the description of an enum. If you want to see more about how to structure a project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiVqwoFMieg In the description there are links to projects built with that structure, called clean architecture. I you're a beginner, maybe you want to see some beginner tutorials, see the structure there, try to understand it and gradually try to understand other architectures, like clean architecture.