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How to pass particular property to all child components in react?

I am absolute beginner in react. I have to pass particular property to all the components inside the div without passing them into individual, For Example, Instead of doing this:

 function App() {
    return (
        <Component1 props = {propObject}/>
        <Component2 props = {propObject}/>
        <Component3 props = {propObject}/>

How can I achieve something like this? :

function App() {
  return (
    <div props={propObject}>
      <Component1 />
      <Component2 />
      <Component3 />


  • React Context

    provides a way to share values to child components without having to explicitly pass a prop through every level of the tree.

    You need to import React.context from react


    // context.js
    import React, { createContext } from "react"
    export const MyContext = React.createContext(null);

    Now You need to create a provider of this context, to pass the current context value to the tree below. So you need to wrap all of your child component by the React.Provider.


    // MainComponent.js
    import { MyContext } from "./context"
    import { ChildComponent1, ChildComponent2, ChildComponent3 } from "./childcomponent" 
    const MainComponent = () => {
      const myObject = {name: "John"}
      return (
        <MyContext.Provider props={myObject}>
          <ChildComponent1 />
          <ChildComponent2 />
          <ChildComponent3 />

    Now all the child component of this MainComponent has access of this props value which is provided by MyContext.Provider. Now you can simply get that values to your child components.


    // childcomponent.js
    import React, { useContext } from "react"
    import { MyContext } from "./context"
    export const ChilcComponent1 = () => {
      const props = useContext(MyContext)
      return (
          My name is: {props?.key}