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Nested loops in nasm

I wrote the following program in nasm on a Windows 10 64bit machine

extern _GetStdHandle@4
extern _WriteFile@20
extern _ReadFile@20
extern _ExitProcess@4

%define rbs 100

section .rodata
    w: dd 3
    h: dd 3
    text: db "abc", 10

section .data
    x: dd 4
    y: dd 4

section .bss
    stdout: resb 4
    stdin: resb 4
    readbuff: resb (rbs+2); allow for CR, LF
    bytecnt: resb 4

section .text
        push ebp
        mov ebp, esp

        push 0
        lea eax, [ebp-4]
        push eax
        mov eax, [ebp+8]
        push dword [eax]
        push dword [ebp+12]
        push dword [stdout]
        call _WriteFile@20

        mov esp, ebp
        pop ebp
        ret 8

        push ebp
        mov ebp, esp

        push 0
        push dword [ebp+8]
        push rbs
        push dword [ebp+12]
        push dword [stdin]
        call _ReadFile@20
        sub dword [bytecnt], 2; remove CR and LF

        mov esp, ebp
        pop ebp
        ret 8
        push ebp
        mov ebp, esp
        push dword [w]
            push dword [h]
                push text
                push x
                call _print
            dec dword [ebp-8]
            cmp dword [ebp-8], 0
            jg L2
        dec dword [ebp-4]
        cmp dword [ebp-4], 0
        jg L1

        mov esp, ebp
        pop ebp

    global _main
        push -11
        call _GetStdHandle@4 ;Get Stdout handle
        mov [stdout], eax

        push -10
        call _GetStdHandle@4 ;Get Stdin handle
        mov [stdin], eax
        call _draw

        push 0
        call _ExitProcess@4


I would have cleaned it up, but this may affect something, so I won't (sorry). The _draw function should output "abc\n" 9 (3*3) (3 and 3, because w and h are 3) times on the screen, but it only gets outputed 5 times. As far as I have checked, the _print works as intended. Here's my build script if it helps:

@echo off
IF "%~2" EQU "" set f0rm4t=win32
IF "%~2" NEQ "" set f0rm4t=%~2
if exist %1.exe rm %1.exe
if exist %1.obj rm %1.obj
nasm -f %f0rm4t% %1.asm
if exist %1.exe goto run
if not exist %1.obj goto end
gcc %1.obj -o %1.exe
if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto run
echo ------------------------
if %errorlevel% EQU -1073741819 (
    echo exited with C0000005
    goto end
if %errorlevel% EQU 0 (
    echo exited successfully
    goto end
echo exited with return value %errorlevel%

I build using the build filename command, and it functions correctly. I have checked my logic, and it seems fine, so it's something with the nested loop and I don't know what exactly. Complete build command output:

C:\Users\User\files>build filename
exited successfully


If the loops were working properly, then it would be impossible to get the output 5 times, because it should be (repetitions of the outer one)*(repetitions of the inner one), but 5 is a prime number. I can not figure this out, so I leave it to this community. Have a great day and thanks in advance!


  • The first time through the outer loop, [ebp-8] counts down to zero. The next two times through the outer loop, [ebp-8] is already zero (or less), so the inner loop only executes once. For a total of five calls to print.

    Note that the subsequent executions of push [h] don't change [ebp-8]. On the second iteration, it writes to [ebp-12] and on the third iteration it writes to [ebp-16], because the stack pointer continues to grow downward with each push.

    To fix this, I suggest:

    1. Add sub esp, 8 right after mov ebp, esp.
    2. Change push [w] to mov eax, [w]; mov [ebp-4], eax.
    3. Change push [h] to mov eax, [h]; mov [ebp-8], eax.