I am working on an STM32F401 MC for audio acquisition and I am trying to send the audio data(384 bytes exactly) from ISR to a task using queues. The frequency of the ISR is too high and hence I believe some data is dropped due to the queue being full. The audio recorded from running the code is noisy. Is there any easier way to send large amounts of data from an ISR to a task?
The RTOS used is FreeRTOS and the ISR is the DMA callback from the I2S mic peripheral.
You can implement a "zero copy" queue by creating a queue of pointers to memory blocks rather than copying the memory itself. Have the audio data written directly to a block (by DMA for example), then when full, enqueue a pointer to the block, and switch to the next available block in the pool. The receiving task can then operate directly on the memory block without needing to copy the data either into and out of the queue - the only thing copied is the pointer.
The receiving task when done, returns the block back to the pool. The pool should have the same number of blocks as queue length.
To create a memory pool you would start with a static array:
tAudioSample block[QUEUE_LENGTH][BLOCK_SIZE] ;
Then fill a block_pool
queue with pointers to each block element - pseudocode:
for( int i = 0; i < QUEUE_LENGTH; i++ )
queue_send( block_pool, block[i] ) ;
Then to get an "available" block, you simply take a pointer from the queue, fill it, and then send to your audio stream queue, and the receiver when finished with the block posts the pointer back to the block_pool
Some RTOS provide a fixed block allocator that does exactly what I described above with the block_pool
queue. If you are using the CMSIS RTOS API rather than native FreeRTOS API, that provides a memory pool API.
However, it sounds like this may be an X-Y problem - you have presented your diagnosis, which may or may not be correct and decided on a solution which you are then asking for help with. But what if it is the wrong or nor the optimum solution? Better to include some code showing how the data is generated and consumed, and provide concrete information such as where this data is coming from, how often the ISR is generated, sample rates, the platform it is running on, the priority and scheduling of the receiving task, and what other tasks are running that might delay it.
On most platforms 384 bytes is not a large amount of data, and the interrupt rate would have to be extraordinarily high or the receiving task to be excessively delayed (i.e not real time) or doing excessive or non-deterministic work to cause this problem. It may not be the ISR frequency that is the problem, but rather the performance and schedulability of the receiving task.
It is not clear if you 384 bytes results in a single interrupt or 384 interrupts or what?
That is to say that it may be a more holistic design issue rather than simply how to pass data more efficiently - though that can't be a bad thing.