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VSCode IntelliSense error with NX / Angular IntelliSense "Can't bind to 'ngIf' since it isn't a known property of 'div'"

We have a production Angular app that we're in the process of moving to a Monorepo with NX. So far we have everything working properly from dev to production with no issues.

However, in VSCode, basically every Angular directive (*ngFor, *ngIf, [routerLink], everything...) is erroring out and is not recognized.

(Before you ask, yes: all modules (i.e.CommonModule, BrowserModule are properly imported in the .module.ts file)

Like I said: Everything works fine when served locally and in production, including in our CI/CD pipeline: no errors. Lint, Test, and build also all work without issue... I suspect this is a VS Code, TSConfig, or Angular.json issue but I've been spinning my wheels for 2 days.

enter image description here

Possibly related is that all of the libraries are also not being picked up by VS Code:

enter image description here

Any advice?


  • The issue turned out to be with our settings for the Angular Language Service extension

    The "Angular: View-engine" setting was set as Use legacy View Engine language service : true" which needs to be false for Apps using Ivy.

    enter image description here