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Macro to store cell value data and retain the value even when cell content changes

I need to permanently store the instantaneous value of some cells, B4 and B5.

My problem is when the cell contents change, so do my stored variables, but I want the variables to retain the values they first pick up when the "Record_Instantaneous_Values" macro is run, even after new data is manually entered into B4 and B5 - basically to build up a permanent record of what value B4 and B5 had whenever the macro is called.

Here's what I have

' Global Variables....
Global FirstCell
Global SecondCell
' ...

Sub Record_Instantaneous_Values
FirstCell = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 3 )
SecondCell = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 4 )
End Sub

Sub Peek_at_stored_values
Print "FirstCell = "; FirstCell.value; ", "; "SecondCell = ";SecondCell.value
End Sub

The fact there's an "undo" function in LO, means cell contents at a particular instant can be stored (in some array presumably). While not wanting to delve into the depths of that, there must be some simple way to achieve what I need, but how?


  • Here is Basic code that stores the values in a global variable.

    Type RecordedCellType
      col As Integer
      row As Integer
      val As Single  'floating point value of cell
      init As Boolean  'has the value been initially recorded?
    End Type
    Global CellValues
    Sub Initialize_Recorded_Values
        Dim CellValuesLocal(NUM_CELLS_TO_RECORD) As New RecordedCellType
        CellValues = CellValuesLocal
        For CellNum = 1 to NUM_CELLS_TO_RECORD
            CellValues(CellNum).init = False
        CellValues(1).col = 1
        CellValues(1).row = 3
        CellValues(2).col = 1
        CellValues(2).row = 4
        Call Peek_at_stored_values
    End Sub
    Sub Record_Instantaneous_Values
        oSheet = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet
        For CellNum = 1 to NUM_CELLS_TO_RECORD
            With CellValues(CellNum)
                If .init = False Then
                    oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(.col, .row)
                    .val = oCell.getValue()
                    .init = True
                End If
            End With
        Call Peek_at_stored_values
    End Sub
    Sub Peek_at_stored_values
        String sDisplay
        For CellNum = 1 to NUM_CELLS_TO_RECORD
            With CellValues(CellNum)
                sDisplay = sDisplay & "Cell(" & .col & _
                    "," & .row & ") "
                If .init = True Then
                    sDisplay = sDisplay & "= " & .val
                    sDisplay = sDisplay & "not initialized"
                End If
            End With
            If CellNum < NUM_CELLS_TO_RECORD Then
                sDisplay = sDisplay & CHR$(13)  'newline
            End If
        MsgBox sDisplay
    End Sub