This does what I hoped:
$ racket
Welcome to Racket v8.3 [cs].
> (eval (list + 1 (list + 5 5)))
but this doesn't:
$ cat demo.rkt
#lang racket
(display (eval (list + 1 (list + 5 5))))
$ racket demo.rkt
?: function application is not allowed;
no #%app syntax transformer is bound
at: (#<procedure:+> 1 (#<procedure:+> 5 5))
What am I doing wrong?
I searched for the error, and it seems like this has never happened to anybody before
Well, I'll leave the question here with the answer in case anybody else searches for that error:
$ cat > demo.rkt
#lang racket
(define ns (make-base-namespace))
(display (eval (list + 1 (list + 5 5)) ns))
$ racket demo.rkt
It's all explained that it works in the repl but not a program.