I have a query as part of a python code where the query requires making use of variables in the program as well as values from another database. I am making use of mysql-connector-python.
The values of name
is present in the python program and I want to use that and values from the table metrics
to insert values into the table points
This is what I have tried so far:
class summer:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def sum_fun(self, name):
con = mysql.connector.connect(host='localhost',
database='databasename', user='root', password='mypasword', charset='utf8')
if con.is_connected():
cursor = con.cursor(buffered=True)
def create_points_table():
query=("INSERT INTO points(username, sale,comm,dank) VALUES (%s, (SELECT SUM(regional + intnl) * 150, SUM(commission) * 50, SUM(thank_discount) * 10 FROM Metrics))")
cursor.execute(query, (name))
except Error as e:
The query:
query=("INSERT INTO points(username, sale,comm,dank)
SUM(regional + intnl) * 150,
SUM(commission) * 50,
SUM(thank_discount) * 10 FROM Metrics))")
Query call:
cursor.execute(query, (name))
None of the values are being inserted into the points table. What am I doing wrong here?
You can't mix values
and a subquery like that, but you could query the value you meant to have in the values
clause instead:
query=("INSERT INTO points(username, sale,comm,dank)
%s, -- Here!
SUM(regional + intnl) * 150,
SUM(commission) * 50,
SUM(thank_discount) * 10 FROM Metrics))")