I'm trying to use instanbul ignore next to ignore some lines in my test coverage but it dont work inside a JSX or nested array. Anyone have an idea of what I can do?
as="span" /* istanbul ignore next */ - IT WONT WORK HERE
variant={isMobile ? 'medParagraph' : 'smParagraph'} //im trying to ignore this line
fontWeight: selected ? 'bold' : undefined,
const itemList = [
...(siblingsEnd < count - boundaryCount - 1
? ['end-ellipsis']
: count - boundaryCount > boundaryCount
? [count - boundaryCount]
: []),
/* istanbul ignore next */ - WONT WORK HERE AS WELL
...endPages, //im trying to ignore this line
...(hideNextButton ? [] : ['next']),
...(showLastButton ? ['last'] : []),
I was able to ignore the nested array placing the istanbul above the const definition.
Same with the JSX, I just placed the istanbul above the return.