While I am trying to use indexes for extracting an element of a vector or calling a function inside the set_args function of the parsnip library;
tree_numbers = c(500, 1000)
boost_tree() %>% set_args(tree_depth = tree_numbers[1])
I am facing such a situation and the result of the above code is;
Boosted Tree Model Specification (unknown)
Main Arguments:
tree_depth = tree_numbers[1]
Instead of calling the result of tree_numbers[1]
which is 500, the function directly takes tree_depth = tree_numbers[1]
as a string. For any other functions' argument with the same logic, I can call or extract the 500 value. It seems like whatever it is typed inside set_args, it is directly taken as strings and the function decodes it afterward.
What is the solution to such a situation to get 500 or 1000 which are the elements of tree_numbers
vector inside the set_args
You can splice the argument using the bang bang operator !!
tree_numbers = c(500, 1000)
boost_tree() %>% set_args(tree_depth = !! tree_numbers[1])
#> Boosted Tree Model Specification (unknown)
#> Main Arguments:
#> tree_depth = 500
#> Computational engine: xgboost
Created on 2021-12-17 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)