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Quantized Convolution Layer Operation in TensorflowLite

I want to understand the basic operation done in a convolution layer of a quantized model in TensorflowLite.

As a baseline, I chose a pretrained Tensorflow model, EfficientNet-lite0-int8 and used a sample image to serve as input for model's inference. Thereinafter, I managed to extract the output tensor of the first fused ReLU6 Convolution Layer and compared this output with that of my custom python implementation on this.

The deviation between the two tensors was large and something that I cannot explain is that Tensorflow's output tensor was not between the range of [0,6] as expected (I expected that because of the fused ReLU6 layer in the Conv layer).

Could you please provide me with a more detailed description of a quantized fused Relu6 Conv2D layer's operation in TensorflowLite?


  • After, studying carefully Tensorflow's github repository I found file and CalculateActivationRangeUint8 function. So using this function, I managed to understand why quantized fused ReLu6 Conv2D layer's output tensor is not clipped between [0, 6] but between [-128, 127] values. For the record, I managed to implement a Conv2D layer's operation in Python with some simple steps.

    • Firstly, you got to take layer's parameters(kernel, bias, scales, offsets) using interpreter.get_tensor_details() command and calculate output_multiplier using GetQuantizedConvolutionMultipler and QuantizeMultiplierSmallerThanOne functions.
    • After that, subtract input offset from the input layer before padding it and implement a simple convolution.
    • Later, you need to use MultiplyByQuantizedMultiplierSmallerThanOne function that uses SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul and RoundingDivideByPOT from gemmlowp/fixedpoint.h library.
    • Finally, add output_offset to the result and clip it using the values taken from CalculateActivationRangeUint8 function.

    Link of the issue on project's github page