I originally had the following code commands for simplicity I put it just below the body in the html file. This is my code:
async function ThemMonHoc() {
MyPopUpPost('Thêm môn học','/ThemMonHoc')
async function SuaTen() {
MyPopUpPost('Sửa tên môn học','/SuaTenMonHoc')
async function MyPopUpPost(title,route) {
var a = await Swal.fire({
title: title,
html: '<input id="Result" class="swal2-input" type="text"></input>',
showDenyButton: true,
var value = $('#Result').val()
if (a.isConfirmed) $.post(route,{a:value})
It seems that the function MyPopUpPost will be reused many times in other html files and leaving the code here will not be very neat. So, I put it in another file.
This is my code in UtilitiesForm.js:
export async function MyPopUpPost(title, route) {
var a = await Swal.fire({
title: title,
html: '<input id="Result" class="swal2-input" type="text"></input>',
showDenyButton: true,
var value = $('#Result').val()
if (a.isConfirmed) $.post(route, {
a: value
And back to the html file I try import or require to use that function but it is not working:
import {MyPopUpPost} from '/js/UtilitiesForm.js'
async function ThemMonHoc() {
MyPopUpPost('Thêm môn học','/ThemMonHoc')
async function SuaTen() {
MyPopUpPost('Sửa tên môn học','/SuaTenMonHoc')
Is there a way to redo the work between public JS files?
You have two options,
Check this out: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_script_src.asp
Then, Change your script to the following and you should be ok:
<script src='/js/UtilitiesForm.js'></script>
async function ThemMonHoc() {
MyPopUpPost('Thêm môn học','/ThemMonHoc')
async function SuaTen() {
MyPopUpPost('Sửa tên môn học','/SuaTenMonHoc')