We have an embedded Power BI solution (embed for customers/app owns data)
Is it possible using any Power BI APIs to, given an embedded report with a visual, to determine the sort settings for the visual.
For example, the user creates a table with one column, 'column1', say. They sort column1 descending.
We would like to, using JavaScript, analyse the visual and know that column1 is sorted in descending order.
I don't think this is currently available in the API but wanted to see if I had missed something. (I know about visual.orderBy()
to SET the sort settings, we need to GET the sort settings)
Is this possible?
You can not determine the sort settings applied to the visual, that feature is not available currently.
For Example:
a. Before applying the sorting:
b. After applying the sorting:
await visual.sortBy(sortByRequest);
Output Before :
Output After :
Please find the reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/javascript/api/overview/powerbi/sort-visuals-by