I'm running an ETL pipeline through Google Cloud Data Fusion. A quick summary of the pipeline's actions:
All of this should be working properly, the two tables are appearing with the correct data, and are queryable.
However, the CSV output from the Group By is coming out into the GCS bucket as 37 different parts, each named with the default naming system ("part-r-00000" to "part-r-00036"). They do appear in the CSV format (both text/csv and application/csv have resulted in usable CSV files.
I want the output to export into the GCS bucket folders as a single csv file with a given name (author_rankings.csv). Below I'm attaching a screenshot of the pipeline and an image of some of the output. Please let me know if I can provide any additional information.
Thank you for any insight.
You can use RDD repartitioner plugin from the hub before the CSV output sink to create 1 partition. This one partition will be written to the single file. Please look at the documentation tab of the plugin for more details.
Thanks and Regards,