I have a point chart encoding color, size, and shape. By itself all three encodings are collapsed as a single legend. However layering a line chart that shares the same color results in the duplicated legend below. There is no difference when marking size and shape as independent but color as shared. When I disable the legend in the line chart's color encoding, the [top] color legend and all color information disappears. What can I do?
rand = np.random.RandomState(0)
data = pd.DataFrame\
( rand.randint(100,500,(15,2))
, index=[*["a"]*5,*["b"]*5,*["c"]*5]
, columns=["x","y"]
chart1 =\
( alt.Chart(data)
. mark_point()
. encode(x="x",y="y",color="k",shape="k",size="k")
chart2 =\
( alt.Chart(data)
. transform_regression
( on="x"
, regression="y"
, groupby=["k"]
, method="poly"
. mark_line()
. encode(x="x",y="y",color="k")
chart =\
( (chart1 + chart2)
. interactive()
. properties(width="container")
I don't think there's any good answer for this question. There's an open issue about it here.
One workaround is to hide the line legend and set the others to independent:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import altair as alt
rand = np.random.RandomState(0)
data = pd.DataFrame\
( rand.randint(100,500,(15,2))
, index=[*["a"]*5,*["b"]*5,*["c"]*5]
, columns=["x","y"]
chart1 =\
( alt.Chart(data)
. mark_point()
. encode(x="x",y="y",color="k",shape="k",size="k")
chart2 =\
( alt.Chart(data)
. transform_regression
( on="x"
, regression="y"
, groupby=["k"]
, method="poly"
. mark_line()
. encode(x="x",y="y",color=alt.Color("k", legend=None))
chart =\
( (chart1 + chart2)
. interactive()
).resolve_scale(color='independent', shape='independent', size='independent')