I'm new to coding and cant figure out where i'm breaking. The ValueError keeps coming up but i cant seem to figure out where i'm breaking
def sunset(date,daycycle):
sunset_date_time = ''
year = date.strftime("%Y")
year_data = daycycle.get(year)
if(year_data != None):
month_day = date.strftime("%m-%d")
result_set = year_data.get(month_day)
if(result_set != None):
sunset_time = result_set["sunset"]
sunset_date_time = year + "-" + month_day + " " + sunset_time
return datetime.datetime.strptime(sunset_date_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
This error is caused by the date format of the variable "sunset_date_time"
When you try to return the object this variable not have the date format as "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
To see what format have you can try print this value or return from the function and check the order of year, month, day , hour and minutes
def sunset(date,daycycle):
sunset_date_time = ''
year = date.strftime("%Y")
year_data = daycycle.get(year)
if(year_data != None):
month_day = date.strftime("%m-%d")
result_set = year_data.get(month_day)
if(result_set != None):
sunset_time = result_set["sunset"]
sunset_date_time = year + "-" + month_day + " " + sunset_time
or return sunset_date_time