I'm kickbell.
I usually use CompactMap
to remove nil
for example,
let wrappedArray = [nil, 2, 6, "ddf"].compactMap{ $0 }
wrappedArray //[2, 6, "ddf"]
and, i want same result the tuple. but, it not working i expected.
what should i do ?
plz reply when you have time.
thanks for your help.
let tuple: [(Bool?, Int?)] = [
(state: true, value: 3),
(state: true, value: nil),
(state: nil, value: 55),
(state: false, value: nil)
let wrappedTuple = tuple.compactMap{$0}
//[(.0 Optional(true), .1 3),
//(.0 Optional(true), nil),
//(nil, .1 55),
//(.0 Optional(false), nil)]
the let wrappedTuple = tuple.compactMap{$0}
works if you had (note the last ?):
let tuple: [(Bool?, Int?)?] = [ // <-- here
(state: true, value: 3),
(state: true, value: nil),
(state: nil, value: 55),
(state: false, value: nil),
What you may want (with your original tuple) is to use filter, such as:
let wrappedTuple = tuple.filter{ $0.0 != nil && $0.1 != nil }
and adjust the logic as you desire.
If you want non-optionals in the tuples as the results, try this:
let wrappedTuple = tuple.filter{ $0.0 != nil && $0.1 != nil }.map{ ($0.0!,$0.1!) }
You could still use compactMap
like this. It really depends on what
you want to achieve.
let wrappedTuple = tuple.compactMap{$0.0}