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Cloud Run deploy via YAML fails with "Permission denied on secret"

When deploying my Cloud Run service from the command line using a YAML file containing environment variables as secrets (, the deployment fails at the "Routing traffic" stage and emits this error.

Deployment failed                                                                                                                                                                 
ERROR: ( spec.template.spec.container.env[2] Permission denied on secret: projects/12345678900/secrets/icbm-launch-code/versions/1 for Revision service account The service account used must be granted the 'Secret Manager Secret Accessor' role (roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor) at the secret, project or higher level.

I have given the service account mentioned in the error the Secret Manager Secret Accessor role as it says and I have waited hours for consistency.

There's little else I can do. Bug?


  • I created a new service account and gave it the Secret Manager Secret Accessor role, then in my YAML I set

    spec.template.spec.serviceAccountName: new-service-account@blah

    And redeployed, and it worked. It's concerning that the security system is unreliable.