I am working on a client-server app - with several clients. A process creates jobs, and initiate them. The server waits on a ZMQ socket to these jobs answers.
The problem:
Currently I am working with 6 jobs, and I want to receive an answer from at least 4. After 4 answers were received - I want to wait 2 more seconds and if didn't get any more results - process the results I got, and then return to listen on the socket.
My thoughts:
I have seen several ways (Poll, ZMQ_CONNECT_TIMEOUT etc.), but I couldn't figure a way to use it in my case.
I thought of initiating another process in the server once 4 jobs were done, which goes to sleep for 2 seconds and then sends a SIGSTP, but I'm afraid it will affect the server's return to listen on the socket.
Any suggestions?
Well, no one answered, but I found a solution that works for me.
Posting cause it might help others.
What I did is as simple as it gets:
while active_clients > 0:
# check if we already have MIN_REQ sites
if requirement:
time.sleep(10) # give another chance to the last client
message = socket.recv_pyobj(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) # peek to see if received a msg
except zmq.Again as e:
# Wait for next response from client
message = socket.recv_pyobj()
active_clients -= 1
# Send reply back to client
Notice the if else pattern
If requirement (which can be any requirement you'd like) is fulfilled - just open a Non-Blocking socket.
You could also remove the break
statement, and enter another time to loop.