I have a script I am building that creates ASP Classic pages from form input.
I am using the file object to create the asp file. It is working as intended, however I am slightly perplexed how to embed ASP CLASSIC code into the string. The open tag works like this:
fname.WriteLine"<% DIM GENERIC_VAR"
This displays in the file properly, however the use of the close tag doesn't seem to want to work. Even my IDE is indicating a formatting issue. Usually in the instances I need to replace a " (double quote) a ' (single quote) will work, but in this case I get compile errors (Unterminated string constant) or the file doesn't create the line as expected. I know about doubling up "" but so far haven't had any luck. Thanks.
Side note as an example, I just need to be able to print this into the line of the file:
openasp = "<"
openasp = openasp & "% "
closeasp = " %"
closeasp = closeasp & ">"
Set up the ASP tags like above. Then Wrap them in line as needed for example:
fname.WriteLine openasp & "DIM VAR_NAME" & closeasp