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A way to replace the object type for a field in a POJO that extends another POJO

Lets say I have class

public class ParentClass {
    private String field1;
    private String field2;
    private String field3;
    private List<AnotherParentPojo> evses;

public class AnotherChildPojo extends AnotherParentPojo {
    private String fieldA;
    private String fieldB;
    private String fieldC;

public class ChildClass extends ParentClass {
    private List<AnotherChildPojo> evses;

However this leads to the error "both methods have same erasure, yet neither overrides the other" in the ChildClass. I am aware its not possible to override a field but is there any way to achieve this without having to change ParentClass or AnotherParentPojo? I only have control over the ChildClass and AnotherChildPojo


  • As you mentioned @Data annotation I assume, you are using lombok [1].

    The issue issue that ParentClass and its child ChildClass basically declare same setters/getters but with different type erasure.

    Even though you cannot see them, they are there (lombok magic).

    In order to understand what is happening, I advise you to de-lombok the actual code.

    public class ParentClass {
        public List<AnotherParentPojo> getEvses() {
            return evses;
        public void setEvses(List<AnotherParentPojo> evses) {
            this.evses = evses;
    public class ChildClass extends ParentClass {
        public List<AnotherChildPojo> getEvses() {
            return evses;
        public void setEvses(List<AnotherChildPojo> evses) {
            this.evses = evses;


    Solution might be to just rename one of the "clashing" fields or turn off generation of setter and getter using @Setter(AccessLevel.NONE) @Getter(AccessLevel.NONE) annotations for particular field.
