im trying to add a role when the user react to this emojis but i cant get
async def roles(ctx):
global IDMessage
reaction = await ctx.reply("Select your Game" + '\n' + '\n' + "- Valorant π¦ΈββοΈ" '\n' + "- World of Warcraft β" + '\n' + "- League of Legends π§ββοΈ" + '\n' + "- Cs:Go π«")
await reaction.add_reaction('π¦ΈββοΈ')
await reaction.add_reaction('β')
await reaction.add_reaction('π§ββοΈ')
await reaction.add_reaction('π«')
IDMessage = reaction.message_id
And this is the part of the code that doesnt work for me
async def on_reaction_add(reaction, user):
ChID = '920320584032870424'
if != ChID:
if reaction.emoji == "π¦ΈββοΈ":
Valorant = discord.utils.get(user.server.roles, name="Valorant")
await bot.add_roles(user, Valorant)
There are some issues here. Instead of on_reaction_add
, use on_raw_reaction_add
. Most bots use the latter instead of the former.
Why you may ask? Because, on_reaction_add
only works for messages in bot's cache.
So every message sent after your bot can read messages is stored in a dictionary or list (this is what a cache is). By default the limit of caching is 1000
So if you ever restarted your bot, the message will never be in cache, and thus the event won't trigger.
Another issue is that you are comparing a string (ChID
) variable and an integer (
), they can never be equal so if != ChID
will always return True and thus won't do anything (as you return for that condition being True).
Third issue is that bot.add_roles
does not exist. add_roles
is a method of discord.Member
Fourth issue is, Member.server
is not a thing, Member.guild
So your updated code will be like:
async def on_raw_reaction_add(payload: discord.RawReactionActionEvent):
ChID = 920320584032870424
if != ChID:
if str(payload.emoji) == "π¦ΈββοΈ":
valorant = discord.utils.get(payload.member.guild.roles, name="Valorant")
await payload.member.add_roles(valorant)
Also my personal advice of not using global
there are very rare few cases where you would actually require this keyword
But it is highly unlikely for you to use this in a bot made with