When running dbt jobs in Meltano, dbt run
jobs may collide with each other if run out of a triggered context - for instance, when an on-demand job collides with a scheduled job or a CI-based job.
If dbt run
operates on the same tables at the same time, this generally causes a crash and sometimes a data quality issue if the same insert is performed twice on a single target table.
Any way to prevent run collisions, using either Meltano functionality or native dbt functionality?
One way is to generate a lock in your target database. Here's an example for MSSQL.
I chose a on-run-start: hook. This hook attempts to grab a lock for dbt that lasts for the duration of the DB session.
- "{{ application_lock() }}" #Be sure only one dbt project runs at a time
Macro: application_lock.sql
{% macro application_lock() %}
@result int,
@msg varchar(max);
EXEC @result = sp_getapplock @resource = 'dbt', @lockMode = 'Exclusive', @locktimeout = '1200000', @lockowner = 'Session';
IF @result not in (0, 1)
SET @msg = 'Result from sp_getapplock:'+ CAST(@result as varchar(max))+'. Lock could not be taken after waiting 20 minutes. Another DBT process probably has the applock, try again later.';
THROW 51000, @msg, 1
{% endmacro %}