I have tried many time to set a custom language for my captcha bot but when i put the .text or any else function equal a string I got an error: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'text'
options = CaptchaOptions()
options.generator = "keyzend"
options.custom_language.text = "example"
options.timeout = 120
captcha_manager = CaptchaManager(bot.get_me().id, default_options=options)
Doc: https://github.com/SwissCorePy/pyTelegramBotCAPTCHA#customlanguage
CustomLanguage is a class like CaptchaOptions. You would have to instantiate a custom language object from the CustomLanguage class.
my_lang = CustomLanguage()
my_lang.text = "example"
and so on for your other attributes. Don't forget to set your custom_language:
options.custom_language = my_lang