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Monkey Patching in Python using super.__init__

i wanna monkey patch some other class with my own class. i tried using Tomonkeypatch.some_func = some_func. it works but i want to neat method to do so (i.e classes).

I am trying to Monkey patch Message Object in pyrogram

Here is my code:

import pyrogram

class Message(pyrogram.types.messages_and_media.Message):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

    def test(self):
       return "test"

While i use the code in my handler

from pyrogram import filters

async def sometest(client, message):
    s = message.test
    await message.reply(s)

i get :

AttributeError: 'Message' object has no attribute 'test' 

but, i monkey patched in pyrogram? then why?

Thank you, in advance!


  • You have to monkey patch the original Message object that pyrogram uses.

    from pyrogram.types import Message 
    def test(self):
           return "test"
    Message.test = test

    If you really wanna update the Message class when changing the subclass (NOT RECOMMENDED!) you can do this:

    from pyrogram.types import Message 
    Message.__init_subclass__ = classmethod(lambda sub: [setattr(Message, k, v) for (k,v) in sub.__dict__.items() if k[:2] != '__'])
    class MyMessage(Message):
        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        def test(self):
            return "test"