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TYPO3 Fluid: Force image format to be jpg

I have an extension using a Fluid template which looks like this:

<div class="bgimg" style="background-image: url({f:uri.image(src:'uploads/tx_slider/{homeslider1.bgimage}', treatIdAsReference:1, maxWidth:'1600')})"></div>

This works well - the background-image is referenced correctly - and the image is resized if it is too large. However my client started to upload images in PNG format, which resulted in large (>5MB) files in the website output.

I have not found any option to tell the Fluid image helper to convert the PNG image to JPG when processing. What can I do?


  • as of TYPO3 10.3 there is a new fluid attribute named "fileExtension" for this.

    <f:image fileExtension="jpg" image="{file}" />

    You can read more about this feature here: